My score to Ricardo Bouyett and Eleshia Simms-Harris' visual documentary LYT is now available to stream and purchase on all platforms including Spotify, Apple Music and my releases page. A preview of the music is available below, I am very proud of this score and count myself lucky to have worked with such a talented and creative cast and crew.
Further details of the film are below:
Living Your Truth: a visual dialogue and short film by Ricardo Bouyett and Eleshia Simms-Harris
Momma JackieJ and Eleshia Simms-Harris illustrate the intergenerational tether of trauma that binds elders with their youth through their shared stories of mental health issues. In Living Your Truth, Momma JackieJ offers guidance as Eleshia and the rest of her community navigate the stigma of mental health and engage in an open dialogue that quickly becomes a visual mecca.
LYT says that black mental health matters and urges communities to create accessible and open space for mental health and for it to be taken seriously in spite of societal stigma. It is not enough to simply love someone or ourselves, we must see the value in community and care for each other as well as ourselves; when we value something, we put in the necessary work to take care of it. Through the power of conversation, solidarity, and activism, Living Your Truth calls everyone to self-reflect and do the inner work to begin the healing process.